Reconnect: A 30 Day Yoga Challenge | Day 29 – Glow | David O Yoga

Welcome to day 29 of Reconnect – a 30 day yoga challenge to help you reconnect to your body, your breath, your heart, and to the things that are most meaningful in your life. When you practice yoga on a consistent basis you begin to embody and radiate qualities of confidence, joy, kindness, and compassion. And these qualities begin to shine through you. Today we’ll put a little polish on that yoga glow, and let it shine!

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Today’s affirmation:
I define my own story. I create my own experience. And when I shine my light, I make this world a happier place.

Today’s Journal Exercise:
What do I struggle with most to love about myself?

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This 30 day yoga challenge is great for all fitness levels, including beginners, and for bodies of all shapes and sizes. Always listen to your body, take breaks whenever necessary, skip or modify any poses that feel unreasonable in your body, and most importantly HAVE FUN 😉

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Follow me for tutorials, insights, inspiration and announcements…
▶︎ Instagram: @davidoyoga
▶︎ Facebook: David O Yoga

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► New to David O Yoga? Start Here 😉

► Your 30 Day Yoga Challenge:

► Daily Stretches to Relax and Release:

► Morning Yoga for Energy and Resilience:

► Yoga for Creativity and Inspiration:

► Yoga for Self-Confidence and Self-Trust:

► Yoga for Weight Loss – Shape, Trim and Tone:

► Ancient Wisdom for Your Modern Life:

► Abs, Hips and Core – The KEYS to Health and Fitness:

► Yoga Practices by Length:

David O Yoga – Disclaimer
David O Yoga recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.

Easy But Effective Methods to Reduce Back Pain
Also Read:  5 Poses for Lower Back Pain Relief | Yoga for Back Pain

Do you suffer from back pain? Do achy and tense muscles keep you up at night? Is doing things most people take for granted like playing with your children seems like a painful chore? Well you’re not alone many people worldwide are suffering from the same problems. Here are some great ways to help you eliminate back pain.

Reduce Your Back Problems With Kneel Chairs

Kneel chairs or kneeling chairs are a special type of chair designed for more ergonomic seating. The seat of the chair is positioned in such a way that the thighs are at an angle of sixty to seventy degrees while sitting. This is in contrast to the normal ninety degree angle in other chairs. These chairs are supposed to be better than regular chairs as a lot of the body weight of the user is supported by the shins instead of the back.

Chiropractic Vs Medical? Why Not Both?

This can be a touchy subject. I can only tell you the way I see things and fill you in on some of my experiences over the last 13 years and hopefully not upset too many people on either side of the issue. Here goes nothing.

Bulging Disc in Neck – How to Prevent It

Prevention is the key to always feeling your best. Learn how you can prevent something as serious as a bulging disc in neck.

Learn the Dangers of a Bulging Disc in Neck

You can start to feel your best no matter what you might be suffering from. It is a good idea to get to know the different dangers associated with a bulging disc in neck.

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