Fitness is often a great treatment for back pain, some movements offer you so much health benefit. Here we suggest some exercises to get relief from back pain and will tell you how to perform it in right way-
1-Partial Crunches-One of the classic core-strengthening workouts is the partial stomach crunch. Partial crunches build strength in both your lower back and related stomach muscles.
How to perform it:
Lie back, and keep your feet flat on the floor with your knees bent.
With your hands behind your head or with arms crossed around your chest, raise your shoulders from the floor. Make sure to keep your stomach muscles tight.
Breath out while raising your shoulders. Avoid leading with your elbows (or yanking your neck off the floor with your arms).
2-Hamstring Stretches-Hamstring stretches relieve the back of the leg, where some of the muscles that support the work of the lower spine are found..
To perform a hamstring stretch, follow these steps:
First, lie on your back with one knee bent.
Next, thread a towel beneath the ball of the foot on the unbent leg.
Pull back on the towel slowly, straightening your knee. You ought to feel a gentle stretch along the back of your leg.
Hold the stretch for at least 15-30 seconds.
For each leg, repeat 5 times.
3-Wall Sits-When it comes to low back pain, try some wall sits as a break from sitting on the couch. To do
these wall sits properly and without injury, follow these steps:
Stand with your back facing the wall at a distance of about 10 to 12 inches.
Carefully lean into the wall until your spine is flat against it.
Slide down the wall slowly until your knees are bent slightly. Continue to press your low back into the wall. Hold this position for a count of 10, then carefully slide back up the wall. Repeat 8 to 12 times.
4-Press-up Back Extensions-Another treatment for back pain symptoms is the press-up back extension. Here are the steps:
Lie on your stomach. Position your hands directly underneath your shoulders.
Push down on your hands. You should feel your shoulders begin to lift away from the floor.
If you can do so comfortably, set your elbows on the floor directly beneath your shoulders. Then spend several seconds holding this position.
5-Bird Dog- It’s a bird! It’s a dog! No, it’s a fitness routine to ease low back pain! The bird dog is a great way to learn to stabilize the low back during movements of the arms and legs. Here’s how it is done:
To begin, get on your hands and knees.
Tighten your abdominal muscles.
With one leg, lift and extend it behind you while keeping your hips level.
Hold that position for a full five seconds.
For each leg, repeat eight to 12 times.
6-. Follow these directions to perform a safe knee-to-chest workout.
Lie on your back. Put your feet flat on the floor and bend your knees.
Draw your right knee up to your chest. Keep the left foot flat against the floor.
Hold for 15-30 seconds.
Next, lower your right knee. Repeat the routine with the left leg.
For each leg, perform knee-to-chest two to four times.
7-Pelvic Tilts-This workout is designed to strengthen your pelvis, which often works in concert with the core muscles along your spine.
Lie with your back and upper body on the floor with your knees bent. Keep your feet flat on the floor.
Pull in your stomach. Imagining your belly button is being pulled toward your backbone—this helps keep your stomach tight. Doing this, you will notice your hips rocking back as your back and spine press into the floor.
Hold this movement for 10 seconds, allowing your breath to smoothly enter and exit your chest.
Repeat your pelvic tilts eight to 12 times.
8-Glute Bridges (Bridging)
Bridging offers so much for the symptoms of back pain. This exercise helps strengthen various supporting players for your back like the hamstrings, , abdomen and hips. It also works directly to strengthen the lower back. Follow these steps to assure a safe and rewarding bridge workout:
Lie with your back to the floor, knees bent with only your heels touching the floor.
Dig your heels into the floor. Squeeze down on your glutes. Lift your hips up until your shoulders, hips, and knees make a single, straight line.
Hold this position for about six seconds.
Slowly bring your hips back to the floor and give yourself about 10 seconds of rest.
Repeat bridges eight to 12 times.
9-Aerobic Exercises
Aerobic workouts—sometimes called cardio—help strengthen the whole cardiovascular system, from the lungs and heart down to the blood vessels themselves. Aerobics can include biking, swimming, walking, or many other exercises that elevate your heart rate and get you moving. To start, try a short session.
10-Some Pilates- Pilates may help some people with low back pain. Make sure your instructor knows about your pain ahead of time, as you may need to skip some moves.
Natural Relief Remedies for Pain in Lower Back
Many people avoid going to the doctor because they know that he or she is likely to prescribe unnatural medication that often comes with unwanted side effects. You may be curing one problem and causing another. If your pain in lower back is bearable and doesn’t seem like the kind that would need surgery or another major medical intervention, you can try to relieve the pain at home by using non-invasive natural pain relief remedies. If your pain is severe, make an appointment to see a chiropractor. He or she can help treat the cause of your pain so you won’t have to become addicted to pain killers.
True Back: The Principle Behind the Orthopedic Traction Device
Whereas many back products have been designed and developed to address postural instability, pain, strain and already existing problems secondary to incorrect posture and biomechanics, True Back has been specifically engineered to promote health of the spinal region. Officially listed as an orthopedic traction device, True Back works on the principle of joint traction, the process of od pulling apart articulated segments to give a stretch. Traction for the spine is usually limited to the cervical and lumbar regions where both physiologic lordoses are found. Before the device was invented, manual force was first used, using a pulley system and pre-defined weights. Sometimes body weight is used, such as in treadmill walking.
Revive Your Dreams and Heal
Are you suffering from back pain? A herniated disc? Or some other physical challenge? Reflecting on your dreams and a happier and healthier time in your life creates positive kinetic energy than helps to heal your injury.
Back Products for Pain Relief
Despite the emergence of physical rehabilitation to alleviate pain and discomfort due to back muscle strain brought about by incorrect patterns of daily performance, many people still opt for the passive alternatives for relief. Back products then have been developed in order to meet the needs to the people who want the treatment to occur even during idle periods. Nowadays, these products are used in the office, in school, while driving, and even during asleep. The passive process of minimizing pain has revolutionized such that it brings comfort and it looks very customized to the buyer.
The Effects of Massage for Lower Back Relief
Massage, for the longest time, has been one of the most popular lower back relief options to both doctor-consulting and self-medicating individuals. However, its effects may far more surprise many people, as how encompassing these benefits may be, they might actually be contraindicated for the co-morbid conditions of the patient and may only aggravate these. It is then important to know the mechanical and psychological changes brought about by massage as a lower back relief, then look into its indications and contraindications.