Build bigger shoulders without destroying your joints!
Building bigger shoulders can often come at a price if you choose the wrong shoulder exercises. In this video, I show you one of the absolute worst shoulder exercises you can do to build your shoulders. It includes an actual demonstration of how the rotator cuff can become impinged by simply placing the bar in the wrong position on a shoulder press.
The biggest mistake people can make is to confuse the fact that they don’t get pain from a shoulder exercise with that making it a good exercise for your shoulders. Couldn’t be further from the truth. The fact is, 90 percent of all shoulder injuries come as a result of overuse and chronic breakdown. There are very few acute injuries that come from doing one single rep.
Doing the same bad exercise over and over, rep after rep, workout after workout is the recipe for almost all shoulder injuries.
In past videos I’ve talked about how bad the upright row is for your shoulders as well. It makes naming the worst exercise a bit tough. The problem is, there are a lot of bad shoulder exercises. Perhaps more than any other joint, due to the high degree of mobility it has with a low degree of stability. If you want to build big shoulders you need to do the right exercises that won’t cause you to breakdown. We all know, being injured prevents you from training and that won’t help you to add size to your shoulder muscles.
For a complete workout program relied on by top professional athletes to get not just bigger wider shoulders but an overall ripped athletic physique, be sure to head to and get your 90 day ATHLEAN-X Training System.
For more shoulder tips and exercise videos as well as shoulder workouts that you can try at home be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel at
Beating Lower Back Pain Naturally
Lower back pain is all too common in modern life. It is one of biggest reasons for missing work and classes. Even so, in up to 85% of lumbar pain cases, there is no clear cause for the pain.
How To Get Instant Lower Back Pain Relief Without DrugsThis one simple exercise can end back pain in minutes. Yes – Minutes. I have suffered from lower back pain for 18 years, since I was hit from behind whilst in a car, waiting for traffic lights to change. I have had cortisone injections into the spine and had all kinds of back manipulations. For me – nothing has worked in the long term, so I just manage my pain through careful observation of pain and discomfort and not doing anything for long periods of time…….until last year. About a year ago, I learned this one simple exercise and found instant relief.
Fixing Your Posture Can Solve Many ProblemsThe fact is quite clear. There are many reasons why you need to improve your posture. In fact, many posture brace reviews do recommend exercises and sometimes even the aid of a brace to help you fix your posture.
How Can You Correct Your Posture?Well, the proof is in the pudding. Correcting your posture is a serious issue. The truth is that many posture brace reviews to recommend a combination of both a good exercise program and a brace to correct your posture.
Fixing Bad PostureWhen it comes to fixing bad posture, many posture brace reviews recommend that you pay close attention and see what kind of posture issue you have before you take any action. You also want to use caution in not to overuse your brace if you choose to get one.