What Does Sciatica: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments – Southern Pain Do?

What Does Sciatica: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments – Southern Pain Do? Additional pounds can puts pressure on your spinal column,

which implies individuals who are overweight and pregnant females have a higher opportunity of getting a herniated disk. can trigger nerve damage. Lots of heavy lifting– or prolonged sitting– can harmdisks. Many people with sciatica get better in a few weeks without surgical treatment. Your physician may likewise recommend putting ice bags on your lower back
for a couple of days and then changing to hot packs for a few days after that. There are likewise lots of good stretches for lower-back and sciatic pain relief. Your first instinct might be…

Causes of Disc Degeneration in Young Adults

Degenerated spinal discs can affect teens and young adults. Learn about different causes and treatments.

Dr. Christopher A. Yeung, M.D. Phoenix, On The SMART Clinical Trial For Low Back Pain

Dr. Christopher A. Yeung, M.D. Phoenix, discusses the SMART clinical trial for low back and The Intracept Procedure. This revolutionary new technique is now being evaluated in clinical trails being held throughout the country. The Desert Insitiute for Spine Care in Phoenix is one of the few facilities holding the clinical trials. Dr. Yeung explains how the procedure actually shuts off the pain signal to help alleviate chronic low back pain.

How Pinched Nerves Affect Your Health?

Nerves are similar to electrical cords, which carry information to brain from body and viceversa. These are distributed all across a human body and thus can be called as our lifeline.

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Turn Your Back To The Back Pain

Almost anyone will suffer from back pain at some point in his life. Luckily, there are some preventive measures you can take to keep your back healthy and pain-free.

Back Pain Treatment: Is Surgery an Option?

When it comes to missed days of work, trips to the doctor and reports of pain and ailments, back pain is at the top of the list in America. Sometimes the ailment is the body’s response to mental or emotional stress. Sometimes the pain is a result of overstrained muscles or poor posture. Yet other times, the back pain is due to problems with the disks, whether genetic deterioration or herniated disks. Regardless, the pain can be severe enough to drive sufferers to doctors in hopes of finding immediate relief. For some, especially those suffering pain due to problems with spinal disks, back disk surgery becomes a topic of conversation between doctor and patient.

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