Reconnect: A 30 Day Yoga Challenge | Day 26 – Discover | David O Yoga

Welcome to day 26 of Reconnect – a 30 day yoga challenge to help you reconnect to your body, your breath, your heart, and to the things that are most meaningful in your life. Our yoga journey more than anything else is one of self-discovery. Discovering how amazing and powerful and beautiful you are, and discovering how exciting and vast the possibilities are for your life. In today’s practice we continue on that path of self-discovery.

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Today’s affirmation:
Every day I discover more of the miracle of who I am. I acknowledge the courage, compassion and wisdom inside of me. I accept the invitation to love and honor myself more sweetly today.

Today’s Journal Exercise:
What have you discovered about yourself during this past year… or maybe even during this yoga challenge… that gives you more insight into the strength, courage and wisdom that is inside of you?

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This 30 day yoga challenge is great for all fitness levels, including beginners, and for bodies of all shapes and sizes. Always listen to your body, take breaks whenever necessary, skip or modify any poses that feel unreasonable in your body, and most importantly HAVE FUN 😉

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Follow me for tutorials, insights, inspiration and announcements…
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▶︎ Facebook: David O Yoga

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► New to David O Yoga? Start Here 😉

► Your 30 Day Yoga Challenge:

► Daily Stretches to Relax and Release:

► Morning Yoga for Energy and Resilience:

► Yoga for Creativity and Inspiration:

► Yoga for Self-Confidence and Self-Trust:

► Yoga for Weight Loss – Shape, Trim and Tone:

► Ancient Wisdom for Your Modern Life:

► Abs, Hips and Core – The KEYS to Health and Fitness:

► Yoga Practices by Length:

David O Yoga – Disclaimer
David O Yoga recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.

Two Common Causes of Lower Back Pain: Lumbar Muscle Strain and Lumbar Radiculopathy
Also Read:  3 WORST Core Exercises For Low Back Pain - What To Do Instead!

If you have lower back pain then this article was written for you. This free information is helpful for people with lower back discomfort associated with a lumbar strain and lumbar radiculopathy.

5 Tips to Avoid Back Pain

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Tips for Automobile Accident Injury Recovery

Automobile accidents are especially traumatic because of the high impact on your physical and emotional well being. Those who have suffered such a traumatic automobile accident should not hesitate to find a path of recovery for their mind and body. Some basic tips may be invaluable for an effective recovery from a traumatic accident. Oftentimes, individuals who have suffered from a traumatic accident allow the latent injuries to fester until they reappear years later.

Choose The Right Mattress To Fight Back Agony

When it is about fighting back stiffness, there are several straightforward things that you can do every day to deal with the problem. One of them is selecting the right mattress.

Why Should Your Children See a Chiropractor?

According to recent studies performed by medical researchers and pediatricians, children today may be the first generation to not outlive their parents. With diseases that were normally reserved for adults, we now have children with Type II Diabetes, Heart Disease and skyrocketing cancer rates.

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