Reconnect: A 30 Day Yoga Challenge | Day 21 – Elevate | David O Yoga

Welcome to day 21 of Reconnect – a 30 day yoga challenge to help you reconnect to your body, your breath, your heart, and to the things that are most meaningful in your life. Today it’s a 30 minute full body flow to elevate your awareness and energy helping you move through any obstacles that might be currently blocking your path.

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Today’s affirmation:
I invite the energy of transformation into my life. I welcome this energy to elevate my awareness. And to help me remove any obstacles that block my path.

Today’s Journal Exercise:
Think about the times you were looking for something, and then it turned out to be right in front of you. The same can be true for bigger more important things in your life if you’re too wrapped up in your thoughts and lack awareness of what’s really happening out here in the real world.

What might elevated awareness look like in your life?
What would it mean to you if you could elevate your awareness to see the bigger picture and the path of your life with more clarity?

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This 30 day yoga challenge is great for all fitness levels, including beginners, and for bodies of all shapes and sizes. Always listen to your body, take breaks whenever necessary, skip or modify any poses that feel unreasonable in your body, and most importantly HAVE FUN 😉

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► New to David O Yoga? Start Here 😉

► Your 30 Day Yoga Challenge:

► Daily Stretches to Relax and Release:

► Morning Yoga for Energy and Resilience:

► Yoga for Creativity and Inspiration:

► Yoga for Self-Confidence and Self-Trust:

► Yoga for Weight Loss – Shape, Trim and Tone:

► Ancient Wisdom for Your Modern Life:

► Abs, Hips and Core – The KEYS to Health and Fitness:

► Yoga Practices by Length:

David O Yoga – Disclaimer
David O Yoga recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.

Finding Relief From Nerve Pain
Also Read:  15 Minute Morning Yoga Flow - Wake Up Feeling INSPIRED

Nerve pain, more commonly regarded as neuralgia is caused and triggered by a number of things and can be very difficult to treat. It is characterized by a sharp pain or a tingling feeling, sometimes accompanied by spasms, especially if experienced in the lower back. However it is possible to achieve nerve pain relief, although it might take some time.

Neck Pain, Causes and Prevention

The human anatomy itself makes us prone to injuries to joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles in the neck. Because the head is rather heavy sitting at the top of the spine, strain injuries are common. However, proper postures, strengthening exercises, stretching and regular visits to the chiropractor help to reduce or prevent the incidence of pain.

Ergonomics to Prevent Back and Neck Pain

Ergonomics is the study of movements, postures, and design of items used in everyday life that fit the way the body moves to promote efficiency as well as to prevent injury. Using the principles of Ergonomics reduces the chances of experiencing postural strains, aches and pains resulting from common activities such as sitting, sleeping, playing or reading.

Get Relief From Excruciating Back Pain

Study shows over 60% of the world population suffers from pain in the back region, at least once in their life time. However, for most people suffering with backache is a persistent and chronic problem.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help In Spinal Malfunctioning?

Spine injury and its related disorders, if left untreated can cause major health hazards. The spine is generally affected by accidents, sports injuries, pregnancy, whiplash etc. Chiropractic treatment is a ground breaking technology for providing cure for spinal disorders and its related malfunctioning.

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