Unknown Facts About Lower back pain: Exercises to help back and neck pain
Sit-ups are a fitness standard, but they’re not as proficient at enhancing your core as you might think. Although the majority of people see sit-ups as a stomach-strengthening activity, in reality people typically use their hip muscles more than their stomachs when doing this workout. Not only are they a poor choice for core strength, but sit-ups create pressure on spine disks, which can cause injury by increasing your lower back pain rather than lowering it.
Hamstring stretches alleviate the back of the leg, where a few of the muscles that support the work of the lower spinal column are…
Is It Your Back or Hip Causing Your Leg Pain?
Did you know that the groin, thigh, and hip pain that most people attribute to irritation or pinching of their sciatic nerve can actually be caused by an inflamed or arthritic hip joint? This article will help you to differentiate between hip joint arthritis and sciatic nerve pain.
Proper Ergonomics For Using a ComputerAs you may have noticed, occupations in today’s workforce that require physical labor are decreasing in number. They are being replaced by faster and more efficient computer based equipment. Due to this, the average employee is spending much more time seated in front of a computer or monitor.
Applied Biomechanics of the Golf Swing: Sports Osteopathic Perspective on Spinal Motion Part: 1The biomechanics of the spine during golf swing biomechanics and the relationship to cases of low back pain and performance have become of growing concern within professional and amateur golf. Golfing performance is orientated around hitting the ball further and more precise, whilst putting as minimal stress through the spine as physically possible. It is therefore due to this reason that a high amount of studies have been performed in relation to the biomechanics of the spine (typically the lumbar spine) and how performance can be improved. Now, with the growing number of amateur golfers in development, this particular concern grows with importance, particularly with the fact that the majority of golfers do not understand the importance of ‘out of season conditioning training’, which is crucial for preparation for the on-going season. This in my clinical opinion coming from a performance background is one of the most valued reasons for why the incidence of injuries develops, along with ‘under-performance syndrome’.
Relieving Back Pain: Tips To HelpLower back pain is a workplace hazard when it comes to being a trucker. Long hours spend in the same position with your arms raised combined with getting in and out of the cab of your truck can cause a range of different problems. Add to that the issues of what you might be asked to life and load you are definitely in a place where back injuries are common.
Understanding The Various Types Of Back Pain SpecialistBack pain is considered to be one of the most common complaints. It is estimated that over sixty percent of the population have suffered from back pain to some degree, resulting in a visit to their general practitioner. However, if the back pain has become acute or persistent, you may need the services of a back pain specialist. A back pain specialist is a doctor or medical practitioner whose area of expertise is diagnosing and treating back pain.