Everyday Yoga HIP STRETCHES (Part 2 of 5) #shorts 🌸

Daily stretching and opening of your hips is SO IMPORTANT for your health and wellness. This is because tight hips cause stress on your spine and low back and eventually lead to chronic pain.

In this series we explore some easy, super effective yoga stretches to open your hips and keep your spine and low back healthy and happy!

Simple Cause of Lower Back Pain

We live in the era when back pain is a special problem. According to scientific researches, more than 50% of employed persons are facing this illnesses. There is a reason why some doctors, who specialize in treatment of back illnesses, have called this century as “Sedentary era”.

Common Causes Of Piriformis Syndrome

The main causes of Piriformis Syndrome are tight muscles, imbalanced muscle groups, and trigger points. Learn how each cause can be prevented or corrected to reduce the pain associated with Piriformis Syndrome and muscle pains. This condition is often confused with sciatica and goes misdiagnosed and mis-treated by most health care professionals.

Some Common Causes Of Lower Back Pain

According to the latest statistics close to 75% of the population have at one time or another experienced lower back pain. And although many will have bouts with back problems, usually most of these will not be too serious.

Infrared Benefits For Back Pain Relief

Back pain can prevent you from enjoying the things you like to do and taking medication alters your mood and can be addictive. There are also many side effects from long-term pain medication. Infrared benefits for back pain relief are very effective, and the FDA has found that there are no harmful side effects.

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Lower Back Pain Exercises – A Guide

The majority of people who suffer with back pain are hesitant to exercise. The most common reason for back pain in adults is mainly the overuse of the back and muscle injury. Most people fail to realise that majority of lower back pain can easily be prevented by strengthening your back muscles. In addition to this, lower back pain exercises can help lower the severity of pain when back pain occurs, and promotes a quicker recovery.

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