6 Exercises To Relieve Back Pain In 9 Minutes – FOLLOW ALONG

Follow along with 6 of the most effective exercises to relieve your lower back pain! Nine-minute routine led by a physical therapist to help your back feel better fast! Includes the best back stretches and core strengthening exercises to help alleviate your pain now and keep it away later. Keep reading for more!

➡️ JARED’S EXERCISE MAT: https://amzn.to/3aRkd5D

Lower back pain is the most common complaint that I treat as a physical therapist. In fact it is estimated that 80% of us will experience some significant bout of lower back pain in our life.

Luckily, the right stretches and exercises can significantly help to reduce lower back pain and quickly get you back to normal function.

In this video, I’ve put together six of the most effective stretches and exercises designed to help relieve your lower back pain symptoms.

These are the same exercises that I give to my patients in my clinic every single day as “homework” to do between therapy sessions. I know they are incredibly effective and can help reduce back pain considerably when performed regularly.

The key to effectively treating lower back pain with conservative exercise is to stretch out the structures that are tight and strengthen the structures that are weak.

In the lower back, this is best accomplished by stretching the hips and lower back and strengthening the core stabilizer muscles. And that is precisely what you get with this video!

6 highly effective exercises in a 9-minute routine led by a physical therapist to help you feel better. Grab your mat, and let’s go to work!

0:00 Introduction
0:35 Lumbar Rotation Stretches
2:45 Piriformis Stretch
4:45 Hamstring Stretch
6:55 Posterior Pelvic Tilt
8:25 Bridges
9:25 Bird Dogs

I hope this helps you to get some relief from your pain! Of course I would love if you LIKED the video, SUBSCRIBED to my channel, and WATCH more great videos to help you back to feel better.

Here are some other great video you may benefit from…

✅ LOWER BACK PAIN STRETCHES: https://youtu.be/0wAw1-1MHa4
✅ 5 OF THE BEST CORE EXERCISES: https://youtu.be/hqYyFo1DcL8

Also Read:  Rumored Buzz on Strengthen your back: 12 easy exercises for lower back pain

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Get Upper Back Pain Relief – Fast!

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Techniques For Back Pain Relief

There are tons of techniques for back pain relief, some work faster than others, some are quick-fix, some are longer lasting. Let’s face it, dealing with pain in any part of your back can be frustrating – it restricts your mobility, flexibility, and production throughout the day… So, you should be looking for techniques for back pain relief that are longer term.

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