A 15 minute morning yoga workout to lose weight and gain energy!
⭐️ FREE 30 Day Morning Yoga Challenge: https://www.davidoyoga.net/mc
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A little extra belly fat on the outside usually indicates there’s also excess visceral fat on the inside. This is the fat that accumulates around the internal organs, and is a precursor to a whole host of chronic diseases that you don’t want. Today’s practice will help you lose unwanted weight, reducing both visible belly fat, and invisible fat on the inside to improve your metabolic health.
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This practice is great for all fitness levels, including beginners, and for bodies of all shapes and sizes. Always listen to your body, take breaks whenever necessary, skip or modify any poses that feel unreasonable in your body, and most importantly HAVE FUN 😉
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David O Yoga – Disclaimer
David O Yoga recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.
#morningyoga #yogaforbeginners #yogaforweightloss #15minuteyoga #yogachallenge #30dayyogachallenge
5 Interesting Facts About Symptoms of Herniated Disc Problems
A herniated disc can be an incredibly painful and uncomfortable injury. A herniated disk is also referred to as a slipped disk, pinched nerve, or bulging disc. Learn all you can about your injury to find ways to reduce pain and improve your quality of life.
Adult Stem Cells Revolutionize Back SurgeryFor decades the only solution for men and women who suffer from chronic, debilitating back pain has been a choice between invasive surgery, or the long-term use of strong painkillers. Neither option addresses the underlying causes of back pain, nor do they promise a real solution. But, today, the use of adult stem cells to regenerate spinal tissue offers men and women with back pain and lower back pain a new option for rehabilitation that combines cutting edge technology with up-to-date science.
Radiculopathy – A Type of PainRadiculopathy is a group of symptoms, largely revolving around pain. You can read more about it in this article.
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Oh My BackI guess I’m getting pretty old. I’m 47 years old now and although I don’t have a beer gut as I don’t drink, I have a something gut. I guess it’s a pear gut or an apple gut. And to think that just a few short years ago at the young age of 43 I could dash a 100 meter dash with gusto and was regularly riding straight up mountains on my, go figure, mountain bike. Now though I can barely make it up the single flight of steps leading to “the tree house” (my affectionate name for my apartment) without losing my balance.